Sorry Annika
I’d like to take this opportunity to apologise to my fantastically patient and understanding girlfriend, Annika, who had the misfortune to be born on 17th May.
We have been together for nearly two years. Her 30th birthday party last year coincided with the day of the FA Cup Final in Cardiff and this year her big day falls on the most important day in Arsenal’s history, and so I am forced to miss it again.
I’m so very sorry, Annika – I do appreciate you and I cannot thank you enough for letting me go to the European Cup Final on your birthday. I promise I will make it up to you.
I can assure you that this “cup finals every year” thing is not normality for Arsenal at all. Whilst I really hope that I am proved wrong, I am sure that next year we will be out of all competitions by the time your birthday comes along and I can spend the day with you.